Extreme Gundam Type Sthesia Excellia

  Model Number: EXTREME GUNDAM type-STHESIA EXCELLIA Pilot: Sthesia Awar  Cost: 2500 Hp: 620 Transform: X Form Change: X The Extreme Gundam Type Sthesia Excellia is a sister variant of Extreme Gundam Type Leos II Vs. which is featured in the manga “Gundam EXA VS”. The pilot is the heroine of the manga, Sthesia Awar.Continue reading “Extreme Gundam Type Sthesia Excellia”

Extreme Gundam Type Leos II VS (Valiant Surface) 

Model Number: EXTREME GUNDAM type-LEOS II VS Pilot: Leos Alloy (EXA VS) Cost: 3000 Hp: 620 Transform: X  Form Change: O     Extreme Gundam Type Leos II Valiant Surface, the main character of “Gundam EXA VS”, a manga linked with this game. The pilot is the main character, Leos Alloy and is a figureContinue reading “Extreme Gundam Type Leos II VS (Valiant Surface) “