Gundam Heavyarms Kai (EW)

Model Number:XXXG-01H2 Pilot: Trowa Barton Cost: 2500 Hp: 620 Transform: X Form Change: X The Endless Waltz version of the Heavyarms Kai loses its shield and combat knife for melee confrontations, but is instead equipped with more missiles, two more chest gatling guns, and uses a pair of double gatling guns as its main weapon.Continue reading “Gundam Heavyarms Kai (EW)”

Gundam Heavyarms Kai (TV)

Model Number:XXXG-01H2 Pilot: Trowa Barton Cost: 2000 Hp: 580 Transform: X Form Change: X Improving on the original Heavyarms design by adding even more firepower, its main weapon was upgraded to a double gatling gun. Paired with the various missile pods all over its body, The Heavyarms Kai is a force to be reckoned withContinue reading “Gundam Heavyarms Kai (TV)”