Strike Gundam

Model Number: GAT-X105 Pilot: Kira Yamato Cost: 2000 Hp: 580 Transform: X Form Change: O The Strike was an Earth Alliance prototype designed to adapt to various battlefield conditions. As the only mobile suit from the G Project that was not stolen at Heliopolis, the Strike Gundam took on the heavy role as the ArchangleContinue reading “Strike Gundam”

Strike Noir

Model Number: GAT-X105E+AQM/E-X09S Pilot: Sven Cal Bayang Cost: 2500 Hp: 620 Transform: X Form Change: X The Strike Noir was developed based on the Strike Gundam IWSP, but instead customized to specialize in close-ranged combat. It was deployed into many combat situations, most notably to capture the Stargazer’s AI unit from the Deep Space SurveyContinue reading “Strike Noir”