Strike Freedom Gundam

Model Number: ZGMF-X20A Pilot: Kira Yamato Cost: 3000 Hp: 600 Transform: X Form Change: X An upgrade to the Freedom Gundam, the Strike Freedom Gundam was specifically tuned to match Kira Yamato’s combat style. It has new and improved armaments that match the technology of its era, including beam shields, the Voiture Lumiere system, andContinue reading “Strike Freedom Gundam”

Gundam Bael

Model Number: ASW-G-01 Pilot: McGillis Fareed Cost: .3000 Hp: 720 Transform: X Form Change: X One of the 72 Gundam Frames used during the Calamity War, the Gundam Bael earned a fearsome reputation as being the suit piloted by the legendary Agnika Kaieru. Now awoken from its long slumber by McGillis during his coup d’etat,Continue reading “Gundam Bael”


Model Number: MSN-04 Pilot: Char Aznable Cost: 3000 Hp: 650 Transform: X Form Change: X   Char’s Azanable personalized mobile suit appearing in Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack. It is the rival suit to Amuro Ray’s Nu gundam. A huge menacing suit, it is ridiculously fast for its size and excels in close range withContinue reading “Sazabi”


Model Number: MSN-06S Pilot: Full Frontal Cost: 3000 Hp: 620 Transform: X Form Change: X   A terrifying suit designed for Newtype use, and the personal craft of Full Frontal, “The Second Coming of Char”. Sinanju’s psycoframe allows it to respond to the will and intent of its pilot. Its maneuverability and acceleration put itContinue reading “Sinanju”


Model Number: MSN-04II Pilot:Char Azanable Cost: 3000 Hp: 680 Transform: X Form Change: X From the novel Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s counterattack Bertochika’s Children, this takes the place of Sazabi. It’s weapons might seem similar to Sazabi, however, certain weapons and the playstyle of Nightingale differs greatly from it. Unlike sazabi, this suit specialises inContinue reading “Nightingale “

Nu Gundam

Model Number:RX-93 Pilot: Amuro Ray Cost: 3000 Hp: 650 Transform: X Form Change: X   A suit designed by Amuro Ray as the next step forward in Gundam development. It utilizes Psycoframe technology to channel the pilot’s emotions and thoughts to increase performance in tandem. Move Summary Ranged Armament Ammo DMG Notes Main Beam RifleContinue reading “Nu Gundam”

Hi-Nu Gundam

Model Number:RX-93-ν2 Pilot: Amuro Ray Cost: .3000 Hp: 680 Transform: X Form Change: △ (Psychoframe Resonance) Unlike the Nu Gundam which was deployed in a hurry, the Hi-Nu Gundam went through sufficient testing before being deployed.  It has 2 Fin Funnel Racks on it’s backpack, allowing a greater number of Fin Funnels to docked andContinue reading “Hi-Nu Gundam”

Unicorn Gundam

Model Number: RX-0 Pilot: Banagher Links Cost: 3000 Hp: 680 Transform: X Form Change: O   Produced as part of the Federation’s reorganization plan, the “UC Project”. This suit reacts to the presence of Newtypes with the NT-D (Newtype Destroyer) system, which changes the suit’s outward appearance and its performance. Unicorn Mode Ability Summary RangedContinue reading “Unicorn Gundam”

Turn A Gundam

Model Number:System-∀99 Pilot: Loran Cehack Cost: 3000 Hp: 720 Transform: X Form Change: X An unidentified suit excavated from a Mountain Cycle. Although the exact details are scarce, it is a suit rumored to have ended civilization through the power of nanomachines. Its unique face mask has earned it the nickname “White Mustache”. Move SummaryContinue reading “Turn A Gundam”