Red Frame Kai

Model Number: MBF-P02Kai Pilot: Lowe Guele Cost: 2500 Hp: 650 Transform: X Form Change: X An upgraded form of the Red Frame, swapping out the flight booster for the Tactical Arms II L. It also sports two katanas, and no shield units. The Tactical Arms can transform into various shapes to fit the combat situation,Continue reading “Red Frame Kai”

Extreme Gundam Type Sthesia Excellia

  Model Number: EXTREME GUNDAM type-STHESIA EXCELLIA Pilot: Sthesia Awar  Cost: 2500 Hp: 620 Transform: X Form Change: X The Extreme Gundam Type Sthesia Excellia is a sister variant of Extreme Gundam Type Leos II Vs. which is featured in the manga “Gundam EXA VS”. The pilot is the heroine of the manga, Sthesia Awar.Continue reading “Extreme Gundam Type Sthesia Excellia”

Extreme Gundam Type Leos Eclipse Face 

Model Number: EXTREME GUNDAM type-LEOS Pilot: Leos Alloy Cost: 2500 Hp: 620 Transform: X Form Change: O Extreme Gundam Type Leos’ shooting evolution, the Eclipse Face. It is a figure that evolved by acquiring the GA data of the world specialized in shooting battle, for example the Wing Gundam world shown in the manga. ItContinue reading “Extreme Gundam Type Leos Eclipse Face “

Crossbone Gundam X3

Model Number: XM-X3   Pilot: Tobia Arronax   Cost: 2500 Hp: 650 Transform: X Form Change: △ (Muramasa Blaster [Safety Removal]) The 3rd Gundam unit owned by the Crossbone Vanguard. Unlike it’s predecessors, X-3 has I-Field generator on both hands. It can stop a Beam Saber with its bare hands, allowing the pilot to engage in closeContinue reading “Crossbone Gundam X3”

Perfect Strike Gundam

Model Number: GAT-X105+AQM/E-YM1 Pilot: Mu La Flaga Cost: 2500 Hp: 620 Transform: X Form Change: X This version of the Strike Gundam comes equipped with the “Multiple Assault Pack” Unit that was put together using Aile, Launcher, and Sword Striker Packs. It requires a great amount of battle experience to pilot, and a unwavering heartContinue reading “Perfect Strike Gundam”


Model Number:YG-111   Pilot: Bellri Zenam   Cost: 2500 Hp: 620 Transform: O Form Change: O G-self was named as such to carry the meaning of “That’s how a G should be”, and was designed with the ideology of being legendary Mobile Suit. Its basic armaments are very standard, but it is able to change its backpacksContinue reading “G-Self”

Crossbone Gundam X1 Kai

Model Number: XM-X1 Pilot: Kincade Nau Cost: 2500 Hp: 600 Transform: X Form Change: △ (ABC Mantle) One of the Gundam Type units still kept by the Crossbone Vanguards after a fierce battle, with slight upgrades. The primary upgrade is the Screw Whip, which greatly improves its mid-range battle capability. Ability Summary Ranged Armament AmmoContinue reading “Crossbone Gundam X1 Kai”

Gundam GP03 Stamen

Model Number: RX-78GP03S   Pilot: Kou Uraki   Cost: 2500 Hp: 620 Transform: X Form Change: X GP03 Stamen is the mobile suit which controls of the Dendrobium Orchis, a Mobile Armor designed to protect specific territories in space. Its tail thrusters gives it great mobility, and the Mobile Suit’s overall performance is overwhelming. Ability Summary RangedContinue reading “Gundam GP03 Stamen”